
The backend is written in Python, and is where data is processed into the JSON representation. The API is detailed in treebuild.


First, install rdkit (, ete (, and graphviz (

Switch to the backend directory and run the script.

$ python install


A prebuilt script, for analysing composite biochemical data in a standard format is provided in the examples folder. This provides minimum functionality - the software is designed for extensibility, so consider writing your own scripts like those in the example datasets included in backend/treebuild/examples/.

The script can be run using:

$ python

The server will serve the output upon running

Data structure


The example script takes compounds as a smiles file. The smiles should be provided with column name Canonical_Smiles, and the identifier column is set as a parameter of TreeBuild object. The individual activities and properties are supplied as extra columns.

A sample of a compound dataset would be delimited by tabs:

Canonical_Smiles        ligandid        pIC50
COc1cc2Cc3c(n[nH]c3c4ccc(nc4)c5ccc(O)cc5)c2cc1OC        Chk1N144        9.52432881
COc1cc2Cc3c(n[nH]c3c4ccc(nc4)C#N)c2cc1OC        Chk1N145        9.09151498
OC1CCCN(C1)c2ccc(Br)cc2NC(=O)Nc3cnc(cn3)C#N     Chk1N40 8.86646109
COc1c(OC)cc2c(Cc3c2n[nH]c3c4ccc(c5ccc(O)cc5)cc4)c1      Chk1N115        8.79588002
... ... ...

Showing 4 compounds, with pIC50 as activity.

Running the Script and Viewing the Tree

The script will use the default fingerprint (ECFP and AtomPair) and caculated properties (pIC50, SlogP and ligand efficiency) to generate the ChemTreeMap data, and produce JSON output file, specified in the out_file parameter of TreeBuild object.

$ python
... ... ...

The generated data will be copied to the data directory of the Frontend and viewed in a browser.

Then open the browser Chrome/Firefox with the link (http://localhost:8000/dist/index.html#/aff).

aff needs to be changed to the filename of your input file without file extention.

Please consider looking at treebuild/examples/ where there are five examples using the declarative API for generating the datasets.