
The frontend, written in JavaScript, requires modern (HTML5 enabled) web browsers. It is an angularjs app, which was scaffolded using yeoman, and angular generator. It uses the D3.js library to render images and the force directed graphs.


The project requires the node ( runtime to build the app, Grunt ( to run tasks, and the package managers npm ( and bower ( to install development and production dependencies respectively.


To build and serve the project (having installed node and npm), you can change to the frontend directory and run:

$ npm install -g grunt bower      // install grunt and bower
$ npm install                     // install node modules
$ bower install                   // install bower modules
$ grunt build                     // build the server
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 // run the server

Your default browser should open by default to localhost:8000, where the app is being served.